Finished with therapy at JPT?
Don't want to lose the gains you made in therapy?
Want to start a fitness program? Get even stronger?
Trying to return to the sport you love or start a new one?
Not enough space or equipment to do your exercises at home?
Need some motivation or encouragement?

We know how important it is to continue your exercises after your therapy sessions are completed, so we set up these programs:
- JPT Fit: Independent Gym Program
- Work out on your own
- $6/session or 4 weeks for $45
- JPT Fit: One on One Gym Program
- Work directly with licensed staff members (AT,PTA)
- By appointment only
- 45 minutes in length
- Content of the sessions will determined by the individual and the staff member
- $50/session. Sessions will be discounted 10% if purchased and paid for in groups of 5 or more.
Please note that if you have not completed your rehabilitation at our facilities, you will be required to complete at least two one on one sessions prior to participating in the independent programs. This does not include the use of the therapy pool. These fees are private pay only and are not billable to insurance. The four weeks must be used consecutively and are not transferable.
Jaworski Physical Therapy, Inc.
Elyria, OH 44035
(440) 366-5993